Sonic Boll 1.7 Available Now!

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Change Log

* Sonic Boll Classic v1.7.0 - Changes since v1.6.2 *

[Known Issues]

- disconnecting gamepads makes the game sluggish
- you can't change screen mode while the game is paused
- you can't pause with gamepads
- skipping replays causes desyncs with ingame death or different lives number
- trying to skip the last stage in a replay crashes the game


* added a better font
* added worlds 3, 4, 5 and 6
* added more Mario animations and poses
* added swimming Tails sprites by Valo
* added parallax factor options to skin backgrounds
* added different music for beating a castle
* added optional athletic stage music (X-3 stages)
* added two easter eggs
* added a new multiplayer results screen
* added a final results screen with a graph
* added a replay preview and choose screen
* added pipe and victory sprites for everyone
* added a separate small castle to the master sheet
* added coin glitter and kick particles
* added the ability to use animated brick sprites
* added credits information to skin data
* added better tiling for coin heaven and water tiles
* fixed palette and positioning issues on the base skins
* changed powerup sfx to be optional and part of the world skin
* changed energy diamonds to blue to avoid confusion

[Bugs fixed]

* fixed a bug with the mouse cursor when pointing at the world skin box
* fixed a bug with hurry up jingle and background changes
* fixed an oversight with hurry up jingle length causing silent music
* fixed Mario's horizontal water acceleration being reversed
* fixed Knuckles getting up and spindashing on accident
* fixed issues with the castle camera near the axe
* fixed moving platform placement in all levels
* fixed purple and glitchy lines appearing ingame
* fixed ground pound invincibility frames
* fixed ground pound breaking bricks too fast
* fixed an out of bounds bug with pit death in 4-2 after warp in multiplayer
* fixed pulley platform collision issues
* fixed the score values of some enemies
* fixed numerous multiplayer respawn bugs related to time-up death
* fixed castle brick particles
* fixed issues with player-thrown fireballs
* fixed item drops going through blocks
* fixed camera shaking while standing on moving platforms
* fixed knuckles not climbing moving platforms
* fixed a bug when spinning into knuckles' fireballs
* fixed warp zones, "world v-e" bug and added warp zone and hud text to skin
* fixed the pause screen making the game unresponsive
* fixed a bug with wall ejection causing players to get stuck
* fixed a bug where fire flowers gave two powerups in single player
* fixed checkpoint placement in all levels
* fixed a rare bug when being hit by a block bump while going through a pipe
* fixed a rare bug when being killed while climbing a vine
* fixed a crash related to attract mode loading when there are no replays
* fixed tails flight energy exploit in water levels
* fixed players hitting blocks during knockback trajectory
* fixed being able to confirm certain screens more than once, causing bugs
* fixed several problems with safe respawn coordinate calculation
* fixed dropped items not responding to moving platforms or wall collisions
* fixed difficulties when rolling on blocks to hit them
* fixed an issue with hat-stomping enemies and then getting hit
* fixed an old collision bug with ground pound on boxes
* fixed map skins loading too slowly on stage selection
* fixed window alignment in multiplayer games
* fixed an oversight with fireball despawning range
* fixed a bug related to holding keyboard keys during stage start
* fixed a crash related to koopas and beetles waking up
* fixed sounds sometimes missing when playing with skins
* fixed a crash when playing a second game with less players than last time
* fixed a minor bug with the window closing animation
* fixed the 3 player scoring screen not fitting the display correctly
* fixed random events not being identical during movie playback
* fixed collision with flying cheeps and bullet bills
* fixed several enemies' death animations

[Code and Design]

* added Mecha Sonic as a playable character
* added option to click the same character again to cycle skins
* added right mouse click as the keyboard cursor's b button
* added b button to choose skins in reverse when pointing at the box
* added spin jump (up+jump) and twirl (air jump) to Mario
* added a cpu bot (only for Mecha Sonic)
* added invincibility when leaving the coin heaven in multiplayer
* added the ability to cancel a ground pound by pressing up
* added a new punch move to Knuckles
* added massive improvements to the Mecha Sonic AI compared to 1.1.9
* added Hammer Bros.
* added stage selection modes
* added some attack power to mini tails and knuckles flying
* added Lakitu and Spinies
* changed water to feel less thicc
* changed collision engine to something noticeably faster
* changed fake bowser to get hit by fireballs and attacks
* changed frags to count landed hits and not kills
* changed multiplayer death to drop more coins
* changed multiplayer coin drops so you can collect while they're bouncing
* changed respawn and flashing times in multiplayer
* changed item drops to fall down from the coin heaven
* changed intermission screen with useful tas controls when recording
* changed vine climbing so you can control it to an extent
* changed the way enemies stop offscreen to prevent weird teleporting
* changed knuckles' gliding to be more smooth and enjoyable
* changed Mecha Sonic a lot to be fair against the current roster
* changed some mario movement parameters for consistency and fluidity
* changed Mario to shrink when hit instead of receiving knockback
* changed attack power levels for more balanced multiplayer fights
* changed vertical platforms to move more accurately
* changed multiplayer item drops to be collectible only when not flashing
* Changed most screens to be more intuitive

[Engine Technology]

* added technology to skip entire stages while watching replays
* added attract mode when idling on the title screen picked from your replays
* changed to FMODex for sound effects to solve problems and add features
* changed input handling entirely to make controllers easier to use
* changed replay format to reduce chance of future issues and improve syncing
* changed screen handling for better pixel aspect and also fixing intel blur
* changed F11 to cycle between fullscreen, x1 and x2 window modes
* changed alt-enter to cycle between fullscreen and current window mode
* removed movie compression for faster loading and saving

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